For Students to Integrate Active and Mental Picturing  
From fine motor manipulations of Pythabacus have student extract numerical statements for student to solve.
Have student verbally recall fine motor manipulations of Pythabacus while solving numerical statements.

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Steps to Demonstrate Finger Math with Double Digit Plus on the Pythabacus

Step 1: Click Leftmost Gold Bead and Click Check Button
Step 2: Left Click a Gold Bottom Row Bead.
Step 3: Press Left Arrow Key.
Step 4: Left Click Another Gold Bead to the Left of the First and Press Left Arrow Key.
Step 5: Left Click a Gold Bead in the remaining middle group
aStep 6: Then in the group against the right post count a number of beads, egual the bottom single digit, that will include more than all the beads remaining against the right post and some beads that require you to count back to the left after reaching the rightmost.
Step 7: Reverse direction and count ten beads. This count will also require you to count back to the left after reaching the rightmost and end at a bead you clicked in the middle group.  Press Left Arrow Key.
Step 8: Left Click the Second Gold Bead from the Left Post and Press Right Arrow Key.
Note 1: An Extended Thumb on a Hand Counts as 5 and Other Extended Digits Count as 1.
Note 2: The Right side Hand Counts the top 1's and the Left side Hand Counts the 10's.
In finger math, the Teen Plus problem is solved by subtraction.
The fingers on the right side hand are extended to represent the
top 1's. The small number next to the top 1's is subtracted
from the top1's and the right side hand and added to the bottom 1's to make a 10. The answer is then given by the remaining 1's on the right side hand and a 10 added to the left side hand.
Note 0: The Small Numbers Equals How Many Beads There are
from the Third Bead You Click to the Rightmost Bead of the Remaining Displaced Group.